
Automotive Locksmith Programing Tools

Blackhawk Products
This can be a suite of items that enable locksmiths to look up codes for automobiles and produce duplicate keys. It sends the cutting information for the keys for the locksmkith's essential machine. Additionally, it makes it possible for him to appear up and make masters of Medeco Biaxial (a kind of auto lock produced by the business, Medeco) codes.

Other attributes contain the capacity to complete RDA (Reverse Domestic Auto) code lookups. This permits the locksmith to figure out the actual code quantity once you have a lock combination or crucial. This plan is compatible with Windows and DOS (Disk Operating Program), plus the business releases annual updates for the codes just about every August.

MasterKey-Pro can be a suite of programs that let locksmiths to make master keys, also as to make pinning reports that are sent to their keying machine. The pinning report shows how the important really should be reduce and how you can label it.

Other features include things like master keying reports that provide details on masters and sub-masters. These reports are customizable and locksmiths can edit them according to their preferences.

The MasterKey-Pro plan also gives directions on the best way to open a car and programming info for both crucial remotes and transponder keys.

The plan utilizes a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows locksmiths to run commands applying images and buttons as opposed to code. This program is compatible using the Windows Operating Program.

Hickok Automotive Diagnostics
This tool works with all the following auto manufacturers: Mercury, Ford and Lincoln. It offers facts on PATS codes and vehicle keys, and enables locksmiths to create new keys for the vehicles kfzdiagnosegeraet.de, even if the original plan keys are missing.

Locksmiths also have the capability to make as many keys as needed and develop a single essential that will work on any vehicle within a fleet. Other features include things like the capability to create passwords for customers and render inoperative spare keys.

